St Botolph’s Church of England Primary School is a good school (OFSTED grading January 2023) and was seen as outstanding by the National Society Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) in October 2016.
Our school gives children the chance to learn, grow and make friends in a happy and inclusive environment, to be brave and to be kind. Most importantly, we provide them with a firm foundation for the future and the opportunity to thrive through our vision –
'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me'
Philippians 4:13
We equip children with the skills and knowledge to fulfil their potential, to build their confidence and aspirations. So, a fundamental aim is to help them understand the positive role they can play in their local and wider communities. Above all, we seek to instill a lifelong love of learning and to expand each child’s horizons allowing them to flourish - celebrating faith, learning and success.
Our values of compassion, courage and community are evident in our everyday mission and celebrated during our values assemblies.
It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the Diocese of Ely Multi-Academy Trust. We are proud to continue the Church of England’s work providing high quality education in a caring and nurturing environment. Our vision, To learn. To know. To lead out, sets out what we do as a Trust and how we work with our children, staff, and communities. We pledge to provide a knowledge rich curriculum and help our children thrive. Above all, we want our children to become confident within society and develop as individuals.
Our pledge
To achieve this, we have created the DEMAT Promise to put children at the heart of everything we do. What more could we want for our children than for them to leave school well educated, confident, kind and able succeed in their future choices? The overarching vision guides our work, supported by the Trust’s values of Love, Community, Respect, Trust and Ambition. We want children to feel at home at school, to feel safe and to know we are always there to support them.
We aim to provide a high-quality education, underpinned by our Christian distinctiveness, delivered in a manner which promotes effective learning. Additionally, DEMAT commits to bringing a range of academic, sporting, arts, and community events to our pupils. We believe extra-curricular activities are key to boosting confidence and helping develop a child’s social skills. The Trust works closely with our schools to maintain high standards and always looks at new ways of working. We promise to do the best for our pupils, to help them develop the skills to achieve their dreams.
Whether you are a parent, friend or visitor, please explore our website to find out more about the Trust.
Adrian Ball
Chief Executive Officer
CEO: Adrian Ball
Chair of Trustees: Helen Jackson
To find out more about the Trust visit:
The involvement of the church in the life of the school is welcomed. Not only do we use the church to support our curriculum and in particular the teaching of Religious Studies, but through the spiritual support provided to all staff, pupils and the wider community.
Our school's foundations are strongly rooted in our Christian Ethos. Our daily act of worship promotes the spiritual growth and well being of our children through reflecting on and responding to the themes discussed. Over the years we have valued the close links we have formed with our local church. We welcome visitors from the local church community. The Vicar and other church members support us and the children get the chance to lead worship alongside them in our family church services.
Our acts of collective worship follow the church calendar celebrating the Christian festivals throughout the year. Children are encouraged to contribute to these occasions. Parents do have the right to be able to withdraw their child/children from collective worship. If you wish to do so please contact our lead for collective worship: Mrs Rayner or the office staff.
As a Church School, it is important to us all that we maintain our Christian ethos and our school prayer echoes the community spirit of the school.
Dear Lord,
Bless this school,
That working together and playing together,
We may learn to love you and to love one another.
Click on the links below to read more about Holy Trinity, Orton Longueville or St Mary's Orton Waterville.
For Holy Trinity, Orton Longueville:
For St Mary’s, Orton Waterville:
Click on the link below to read more about The Diocese of Ely.
St Botolph’s C of E Primary School
Tel: 01733 231313
Parents Email:
Primary Office Contact Person: Mrs Danielle Drew
School Address:
Oundle Road
Orton Longueville
DEMAT Office Address:
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