At St Botolph’s, we want our children to develop into confident and responsible users of technology with core transferrable knowledge and skills which they can apply within school and beyond. We want our children to be able to operate in the 21st century workplace and want them to know the career opportunities that will be open to them if they study computing. The teaching of computing and technology will support and deepen learning across all curriculum subjects and ensure our curriculum can be accessed by every child. This will develop resilience, creativity, critical thinking skills and problem- solving skills. Access to a breadth of experiences will enable children to develop their understanding of themselves as individuals within their community but also as members of a wider global community and as responsible digital citizens.
Using Purple Mash as a tool, children will be taught a range of skills such as writing algorithms, programming, debugging as well as essential skills such as touch typing and the use of effective searches.
At Key Stage 1, children will be introduced to coding. They will use the Purple Mash ‘2 Code’ programme to learn the fundamental features of code and will begin exploring creating code. In addition to coding, children will be introduced to spreadsheets, the internet, internet safety and email.
At Key Stage 2, the children will develop their knowledge of coding and learn to create code, algorithms, conditional commands and debug programmes. As well as Coding, the children will develop their typing skills through the use of “2 Type”, use spreadsheets to plan events and begin producing posters and PowerPoints to present research.
Internet Safety
At St Botolph’s we take internet safety extremely seriously. We ensure our children and staff receive guidance on how to use the internet safely. Each year group participates in lessons on e-safety through computing lessons and in Key Stage 2 this is further developed in ‘Heart Smart’ sessions. Each year, we take part in ‘Safer Internet’ week by carrying out various activities within year groups. Children understand how to stay safe and what to do if they see or hear something makes them uneasy when using technology. This is intertwined throughout the whole of the computing curriculum. As children get older and more aware of technology, they are taught age-appropriate ways to be safe with all forms of technology e.g. Snapchat, Whatsapp, TikTok and other forms of social media.
St Botolph’s C of E Primary School
Tel: 01733 231313
Parents Email:
Primary Office Contact Person: Mrs Danielle Drew
School Address:
Oundle Road
Orton Longueville
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