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Musle Musleh, Chair of Governors
Appointed: September 2024
As a parent of children at St. Botolph’s, I can vouch for the benefits attending the school offers children. Not only is the quality of education excellent, offering an inclusive curriculum which all students can benefit from, the school places particular emphasis on positive behaviour which is reiterated through its values of Compassion, Courage and Community.
Visitors regularly comment on the excellent behaviour of the pupils which is one of the first things that struck me when visiting the school. The children are well-behaved and are also encouraged to be kind and sociable, behaviours which are embedded throughout every year group.
The values of St. Botolph’s are linked to its Christian distinctiveness which is a fundamental part of the school. The school has close links to Holy Trinity church and this is an important part of school life, with Reverend Imogen regularly attending school and talking with pupils, supporting staff and the local governing body. As part of its RE curriculum, other religions are carefully taught at St. Botolph’s which ensures all pupils feel welcome.
I chose to be Chair of Governors at St. Botolph’s because my children love attending the school, and it is evident when visiting that they aren’t the only ones. Whilst not required to be a school governor, I have a lot of transferrable skills from working in governance roles in the financial services sector. When the opportunity was made available, I jumped at the chance to help support the school leadership team and the Trust in any way that I can.
Since being given the role, I have had the opportunity to see the school from ‘the other side of the fence’ and I have even more appreciation for the effort every member of staff puts into the school for it to run effectively. The children really are at the forefront of every decision made by the school and the Trust and I am excited helping support this.
Musleh Musleh, Chair of Governors
Rachel Rayner, Headteacher, Ex Officio Governor
My role as a headteacher member of the Governing Body is to present the information Governors need to give them an accurate view of the school. The governors are there to check that my team and I have a thorough picture of the school from academic achievement to safeguarding, staffing and premises issues. They monitor our monitoring essentially. The team are well supported by the Trust's work with us who also give us that challenge we need to continue developing and improving.
It's a pleasure to present this to such a passionately commited group of volunteers! They know so much and give us so much support - it really makes a difference to our community.
See below for more information about how to find out more.
Shan Barcroft, Co-opted Governor
Safeguarding, Children in Care, Christian Vision
Appointed: October 2019
Jane Morgan, Co-opted Governor
Appointed: September 2024
Nokuthula Ndlovu, Parent Governor
Website compliance and Health & Safety/Premises
Appointed: December 2020
Claire Home, Co-opted Governor
Appointed: September 2022
Lisa Turner, Co-opted Governor
Appointed: September 2022
What is the role of a governor?
St Botolph’s has an active governing body. You don't have to be an 'expert' and no formal qualifications are required. Common sense, time, enthusiasm and a commitment to working as part of a team are the qualities you would need. As a guide, being a school governor would take up 6-8 hours a term of your time, which includes attending meetings, reading related papers and spending time in school.
School Governors work as a team with the Headteacher and staff – the phrase often used to describe this role is being a 'critical friend'. The Governing Body contributes towards the School Development Plan and helps set and reach objectives with a view to promoting high standards of education and achievement and to strive for excellence across the whole spectrum of school life.
Governors are unpaid volunteers who are elected or appointed to a four year term of office. Being a school governor provides an opportunity to develop new skills and strengthen existing ones. The Governor Development Team offers extensive training to help you understand your role.
For copies of Governing Body minutes please contact the Clerk to Governors, via the email address.
If you wish to know more, or are interested in becoming a governor, please contact the Clerk to Governors or the School Office.
St Botolph’s C of E Primary School
Tel: 01733 231313
Parents Email:
Primary Office Contact Person: Mrs Danielle Drew
School Address:
Oundle Road
Orton Longueville
DEMAT Office Address:
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