School times are 8.40 - 3:20pm and PE days in Year 3 are Tuesdays and Fridays.
Please send your child to school in their PE kit to wear all day.
Miss Lake, Miss Dowell and Mrs Jones and the Year 3 team
‘Stig of the Dump’ by Clive King.
Using Stig as our inspiration, we will start the year by writing a biography of Clive King. We will then write our own short narratives with dialogue. After that, we will write letters from Barney to Stig. Finally, we will write an explanation text linked to our learning in Geography this term.
We will start by looking at number and place value (numbers up to 1000) before comparing and ordering numbers on a number line. Later in the term we will work on Graphs before focussing on addition and subtraction.
Autumn 1 - The Human Body
The digestive system, teeth and senses, a healthy diet, nutrition, vitamins and minerals, skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement.
Autumn 2 - Cycles in Nature
Seasonal cycles and plants, animal migration and Life cycles of a plant and a frog.
We will be considering these big questions this term:
Autumn 1 - Christianity
What do Christians learn from the Creation story?
Autumn 2 - Judaism
Why is the Torah such a joy for the Jewish Community?
We will continue our learning on how to be ‘Heart smart’, building on from the learning in Y2:
Autumn 1 - Get Heart Smart
Children will learn and discuss ways of showing love to themselves and others.
Autumn 2 - Don’t forget to let love in!
Children will learn and discuss that each one of us is loved, special and important.
PE and Sport
We will be working on the core skills we need to take part in different competitive games and will also be developing our gymnastic and dance skills.
Autumn 1 - Spatial Sense
Using and analysing maps, reading compasses and symbols, reading grid references, carry out some fieldwork of our local area and compare localities of San Francisco and Peterborough (human geography and physical geography).
Autumn 2 - Settlements
Learning that settlements are where people live, exploring the different types of settlements, compare the differences between rural and suburban areas, analyse and interpret population maps to learn about population density and understand how the geography of a region effects its settlements.
Autumn 1 - Stone Age to the Iron Age
Recapping what we know about ‘prehistory’, learning about hunter gatherers and how people lived during the Mesolithic age, exploring life in the Neolithic age and the introduction of farming, look at the Bronze age and how migration brought new skills, read about archaeologists possible reasonings for Stonehenge and learn about the Iron age in Britain.
Autumn 2 - Ancient Egypt
Use prior geographical knowledge to locate Egypt and look at the significance of the river Nile, explore what life was like in Ancient Egypt and how do we know so much information about them, learn about the religion and the afterlife in Ancient Egypt, find out about Howard Carter’s discovery of Tutankhamun, analyse how historians have found out about life in Egypt at this time through learning about Hieroglyphics.
Autumn 1 - Line
Artists: Klee, Leonardo, Picasso, Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Moore, Hokusai
Concepts: Lines as basic tools, lines with different materials, line weight, different types of line, different ways to use line, printing to create lines.
Skills: continuous line drawing, line weight, drawing contour lines, mono printing.
Autumn 2 - Still Life and Form
Artists: Warhol, Morandi, Stubbs, Cezanne, Moser
Concepts: What is a still life?, still life throughout history, using tone to create form, highlight, shade/shadow, cast shadow, mid-tone, using colour to create form.
Skills: Pencil techniques to show form and tone, cross-hatching, drawing still life – what you see, layering oil pastels.
We will be starting to learn Latin using the book “Minimus”. We will be introduced to the Latin family that ‘Minimus’ the mouse lives with, learn some greetings and the members of the family.
St Botolph’s C of E Primary School
Tel: 01733 231313
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Primary Office Contact Person: Mrs Danielle Drew
School Address:
Oundle Road
Orton Longueville
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