School times are 8.40 - 3:20pm and PE days in Year 4 are Monday and Wednesday.
Please send your child to school in their PE kit to wear all day.
Miss Javed, Mr Pearce and the Year 4 team
During the summer term, in English, we will be looking at two texts: “Edward Tulane” and “Manfish”. We will be using the images from our text to expand our vocabulary which will then inform our writing. We will be writing character descriptions, narratives and a diary entry.
We will be using our foundation subjects to inspire non-fiction writing and will be writing a newspaper article on the Great Fire of London.
In our reading sessions this term we will be reading “Edward Tulane” and “Wolf Brother”.
We will be using Complete Maths this term as we continue our Mastery approach to mathematics. We will start by looking at decimals before moving onto Translations, Reflections, Angles and Shapes, interpreting and presenting data and Perimeter and Area of Rectilinear Shapes.
In the first half of the spring term, we will be following the Understanding Christianity Unit on The kingdom of God with a focus on the events of Pentecost.
We will then be following the Emmanuel project Unit on Islam and focus on the idea of Prophethood.
In Heartsmart our focus is ‘fake is a mistake’. We will be exploring friendships and trust. We will then move onto ‘no way through isn’t true’. We will be looking at concepts such as resilience, healthy habits, physical changes from child to adult and the idea of dreams and people who inspire us.
In music this term the children will be exploring sound and looking at recycling. They will be using recyclable items to create musical instruments.
Before half term, in our outdoor sessions we will be preparing for sports day. In our indoor sessions, we will be completing yoga and be thinking about relaxation and techniques to calm ourselves in times of worry.
States of matter and electricity.
The Stuarts.
London and the South East and Asia: Japan.
Monuments of the Byzantine Empire and needlework, embroidery and weaving.
St Botolph’s C of E Primary School
Tel: 01733 231313
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Primary Office Contact Person: Mrs Danielle Drew
School Address:
Oundle Road
Orton Longueville
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