School times are 8.40 - 3:20pm and PE days in Year 6 are Wednesdays and Fridays.
Please send your child to school in their PE kit to wear all day. You will also be told when your child needs to bring in their swimming kit later in the year.
Mr Joyce, Mr Knightley and the Year 6 team
The 1000-Year-Old Boy by Ross Welford.
Using The 1000-Year-Old Boy we will write a biography about the life of Ross Welford. We will then move on to writing a narrative using ideas gathered from the text. Following on from this we will use our learning from science to write an explanation text.
Place Value: The children will understand what the value of each digit in a number is worth, be able to round and order numbers.
Autumn 1: The Human Body
During this unit children will build on their knowledge of the circulatory system from Year 2. They will learn that now; scientists and doctors know that the heart and blood vessels are parts of our circulatory system, and that our circulatory and respiratory systems keep us alive. We know that our heart is divided into four chambers and blood enters and exits the heart. As the heart beats, it pumps the blood out to the lungs for a new supply of oxygen. Blood vessels, called arteries, carry oxygen-rich blood away from the heart. Blood vessels, called veins, carry blood back to your heart to be pumped to the lungs for more oxygen. Children will learn the importance of each part of the circulatory system including arteries, veins and capillaries.
Autumn 2: Classification of Living Things
Building on prior knowledge of classification, children will study classification in more detail and will understand that scientists look closely at the features of living things when considering their classification. Within this unit, they will look further at the work of Carl Linnaeus and how he classified plants and animals. They will look at Latin names for plants and animals and will reflect upon the features of living things that led to their classification.
God/Creation/Fall – Creation and Science – Conflicting or Complementary
This unit addresses what the text says about God and human nature and begin to think about the purpose of the genesis creation text [and psalms 8].
PE and Sport
Indoor PE- Gymnastics/Dance
Flexibility, Strength, Technique, Control, Balance-movement patterns. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle- Partner work counter balances.
Outdoor PE- Games
Running, Jumping, Throwing, Attacking and defending. Application of skills- Tactics
(TGfU Model)- Performance analysis and officiating.
Autumn 1: Spatial Sense
In this unit children will look again at longitude, latitude, the Prime Meridian, the tropics and the Antarctic and Arctic circle. They will explore the movement of the sun and how at the poles, polar night occurs. Children will look at a wide range of maps during this unit. Their knowledge of the location of continents, oceans and countries should be secure at this point in their journey through the curriculum, but using different world maps in this unit is another opportunity to reinforce this knowledge.
Autumn 2: British Geographical Issues
This unit brings together all of the previous knowledge of the UK that children have accumulated over their journey through the curriculum. We will develop our knowledge of the regions of the UK, their geographical features and changes that may have taken place over time. During this unit children will explore geographical issues and their impact on Britain including, air pollution, flooding, waste and litter.
Autumn 1: World War One
This unit builds on chronologically from children’s learning in Year 5 and allows children to apply their knowledge of Britain before the war to develop a deeper understanding of the causes and consequences of World War I on Britain, and the wider world.
Autumn 2: The Suffragettes
Moving on from the World War I the children will develop their knowledge Suffragette movement that began before the war they will learn the role that women played in the war as well as the Representation of the Peoples Act that followed.
Autumn 1: Art in the Italian Renaissance
Children are introduced to the art of the Italian renaissance by looking at The School of Athens by Raphael and Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci. Through these works they learn that Renaissance is a French word meaning rebirth, which is used to describe the revival of art that took place in Italy from about 1400 influenced by the rediscovery of classical art and culture.
Autumn 2: The children will start by comparing different styles of brushwork demonstrated by Stubbs in Whistlejacket and by Munch in The Scream of Nature.
They draw pears using contrasting techniques, creating visible marks in oil pastels in the manner of Van Gogh and smooth modelling using soft pastels in the manner of Stubbs. They go on to compare two radically different styles, rococo and modernism, analysing the differences they see in painting and chair design. This leads to a more detailed analysis of modernism, looking at abstract art of the 20th century and using their developing knowledge of colour theory to design and create their own abstract work.
Latin: The children will start to learn Latin this term, developing their knowledge of about greetings and everyday words.
Water Walls: The children will design and make a water wall for reception pupils which moves water.
St Botolph’s C of E Primary School
Tel: 01733 231313
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Primary Office Contact Person: Mrs Danielle Drew
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Oundle Road
Orton Longueville
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